BungeeCord Server Setup

From D-Wiki

BungeeCord Server Setup


- The servers you want to connect with BungeeCord. (They need to be Spigot based.)

BungeeCord Setup

Download BungeeCord and execute the jar file. Inside the config the main things you need to change are the query port and host (you can leave the 0.0. (...) part, just change the post to the query port). Inside the server section you can copy & paste the default values to link new servers. The main thing to look out is the server address and the name of the entry. (Entryname will be visible inside the BungeeCord command.) Remember to change up the different server ports for each server. Two servers cannot have the same address and same port. Change up at least the port. (MOTD -> Server Message of the day)

(Inside the config you can also set the prioritized/main server, server message and player count.)

Server Setup

Inside each server change the following things in the config.


Change the "bungeecord" value to "true".


Change the query/server port to the one you set up in the BungeeCord config. Also set the "online-mode" to "false". Then you are done.

Ingame Usage

Inside your now configured BungeeCord server you always start out in the prioritized server you selected. Then you can use the command /server {SERVER ENTRYNAME FROM BUNGEE-CONFIG}. (For example /server lobby)

Then you are done with the basic setup of a BungeeCord Server. Other things like a non-command way to switch between servers need specialized plugins which are not part of the basic BungeeCord version.