4x4 Rubiks Cube Parity Algorithms

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4x4 Rubiks Cube Parity Algorithms

This page represents a collection of parity solving algorithms for me to solve the 4x4 rubiks cube. Hope it may help you as well.

If you need help with the notation please reference this page[1] on the move notation.

Edge Pairing

During edge pairing the last two edges can be mismatched without any other edge to replace with. To solve this case you need to pair up the edges in a way so that equal colored edge pieces are directly opposite to another on the left and right edges of the cube.

Then perform this algorithm.

Uw' R U R' F R' F' R Uw

OLL Edge Flip

Sometimes the last edge during the OLL phase can be flipped around. To solve it perform this algorithm.

r' U2 l F2 l' F2 r2 U2 r U2 r' U2 F2 r2 F2

Last corner parity

The last two corners can be misaligned during edge solving. To solve it partially perform this algorithm.

r2 U2 r2 u2 r2 u2

Then the corners are aligned and you can solve the cube normally.